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Walking alongside your child from first grade to graduation

It's no secret that even the best schools in the country can't meet the needs of every student. Whether your child is struggling to keep up or isn't being challenged, we develop a custom growth plan for each student that adapts to their performance.

One teacher with just fifteen students means that each student receives

only four minutes of attention a day. That's twenty minutes a week in an ideal scenario.


Then there is time spent taking attendance, delivering the lesson, and so on. When is your child ever meant to get real feedback? Our students share substantial, meaningful time each and every week.

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Select one of the options below to schedule a free no-sales consultation, where we can discuss your family's goals and answer all your questions without any pressure to enroll.

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Changing with Your Child

Every tutoring company claims to tailor a program to your student's needs, but this usually means being dragged through worksheets after a short test.


We start students in a general area based on the family's initial goals, but we know that we will discover the real strengths and weaknesses along the way.


Struggling to find a short story's theme in a 9th grade ELA class may be due to the student not understanding characterization past the 7th grade level. Of course, we couldn't have predicted that in the initial consultation, so what can we do when they're enrolled in 9th grade tutoring?


Our adaptive curriculum switches gears on the spot, filling in learning gaps as they appear to solve the problem at its root. Our teachers understand how the skills connect and develop across grade levels, so they can immediately spot learning gaps and deliver effective remediation there and then. 


Progress is rarely a straight line, especially in education. A good teacher can navigate the maze of how humans learn. It takes recognizing when it may be necessary to change course, approach from another angle, or back up and go another route entirely.


A good company enables teachers to do whatever the child needs.

Image by Susan Q Yin
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